Then one afternoon I stepped over the line. He refused to buy me a pair of shoes I wanted and I walked off alone into downtown Athens. He caught up with me, marched me back to the hotel room, lifted up my skirt and paddled my behind like there was no tomorrow. I was in pain, humiliated, angry – but I felt respect for him as I had felt for no other man, certainly not my father. After I had composed myself he hugged me and told me never to argue with him in public again. Of course, we made love to make up.
 I felt more loved and more secure than I ever had in my father's home. I had a man who cared. I admired his self-respect. Our family, with him as the undisputed head was “right”. I've also learned over the years that once my husband has spanked me and gotten his anger out of his system that the incident that provoked him is over and done with. He doesn't have to simmer for days and soothe his male pride.
 It's great to be here.
 Although it has not become an issue on the Taken In Hand website, it might be time to offer a suggestion for those times when a woman needs to be taken in hand when she is pregnant or there are children in the house. At such times – as well as when a woman is truly badly behaved – I recommend reliance on the lowly switch.
 Stripped of leaves and sharp knots, a straight twig about eighteen inches long and having the diameter of a common wooden pencil can be remarkably effective. Although humble in appearance, a switch in a man's hand is the one instrument that women universally understand – even if they have never experienced its application personally.